How many participants/coaches are in PASC?
We have over 2,400 participants go through our program each year.  Each soccer season, Fall and Spring, we have over 1,000 participants per soccer season with over 150 coaches registered each season.

Are there boundaries we must live in to play with your club?
No, though most participants live within the Parkland School District and surrounding areas; we also have members from Northwestern, Bethlehem, Catasaqua, Lower Macungie and Salisbury areas.

What equipment does my child need?
All participants MUST have shin guards.  Shin guards MUST be worn underneath their soccer socks.  Soccer cleats should be worn for the older age groups U7 and above.  A properly sized ball for their age group and a water bottle should be brought to practices and games.  No jewelry is permitted to be worn during practices or games.  In-House and Recreational jersey’s are provided; while travel teams purchase their uniforms.

What size soccer ball is needed?
A properly sized ball is based on age group.

MicroSoccer - U8  Size #3 Ball
U9 - U12              Size #4 Ball
U13 or older        Size #5 Ball

What determines the age group a player is placed in?
The age group is determined by the player’s birth date.   The birth date ranges for each age group are defined by the Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association (EPYSA), and are also followed by the different leagues in which PASC teams play.

Where are the practice/game fields?
We have practice/game fields from the northern part of the Parkland Area to the southern part.  Click on "Fields" on the "Site Contents" for specific field information.When does the season start and end?
Fall season games start around the week after Labor Day and end around Thanksgiving (middle to end of November).  Spring season usually begins the first week in April and goes through the 2nd week in June.

The start of practices will depend upon the season.  Spring practice usually begins later than fall practice.  We encourage coaches to schedule practices at least a week or two before the first game.

When do the teams practice?
Coaches usually schedule the practices to fit their work schedules. One or two practices a week, in the early evening are the normal schedules for U7 and older (In-House, Recreational, and Travel).  Both practices and games for MicroSoccer and KinderSoccer are on Sunday afternoons.

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